
Showing posts from December, 2022

Sustainable fashion designer Elena Denisova is the ambassador of the fashion trend for conscious consumption

Every year about 400 billion m2 of fabric is produced in the world, of which only 340 billion are in demand. The rest is thrown away or burnt. The same thing happens with clothing. Mass market manufacturers often use the cheapest materials for production in pursuing low-cost products. As a result - these clothes quickly lose their beautiful appearance: become covered in lint, and deteriorate after a few washings. And customers come to the store for new items. Few of them think about the fact that the decomposition process of one synthetic T-shirt takes about 40 years! Consciousness in purchasing and reasonably consuming clothing is becoming a pressing issue in today's society. Created by Elena Denisova - a sustainable fashion designer - the Helen Stracta brand provides the search for organic fabrics, recycling, and reuse processes. We tell you how a small brand can cause positive changes in people's daily lives and radically renew their buying behavior. The target audience o...