Responsible shopping: designer Elena Denisova promotes the trend of conscious consumption
About 1 billion tons of greenhouse gases, which steadily bring the planet closer to global climate change, are emitted into the atmosphere by textile industry enterprises. The desire of consumers to look current and stylish by constantly updating their wardrobes is profitable for mass-market, but it causes enormous damage to the environment. In this case, the statistics are strikingly disappointing figures: about 50% of purchased clothing accumulates in the closets, never waiting for its release in the world, and after a while, is sent to the dump as no longer relevant. However, the era of mega-consumption is coming to an end, and society has finally come to the understanding that ignoring this problem will lead to a global disaster. The fashionable advertising hooks millennials used to catch on to no longer work in today's fashion market. The pragmatic new generation gives preference not to cheap one-day things or insanely expensive collections of luxury brands but to quality univ...